Union pre-cut mortice
Average Price: £5
Top Price: £8
You can get a union pre-cut mortice key from different sources and even online. Prices are at around £5 on average but can also go upwards of £8. The cost really depends on the key-cutting shop that you choose. Big-named shops can be more pricey. If you want a less pricey key-cutter, look for a local shop.
Category: Key Cutting
Tags: key cutter uk, price for cutting mortice keys uk
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Avocet ABS keys are a High Security key for the ABS 3 Star Cylinder. These keys can only be cut through an ABS Elite Centre.
Usually ABS keys are cut on genuine ABS key blanks using state-of-the art machines to ensure a perfect fit every time. To become an elite centre, companies need to stock the cylinders so a certain investment is needed by the stockist. Bearing this in mind it is unlikely you will be able to get these cut in smaller shoe repairers or hardware stores. This also reflects the higher prices charged for these keys.
It's more likely that key cutting locksmiths or dedicated key cutting shops may be able to help. If you have lost your card, a skilled key cutter should be able to help as long as you can show identification. You can find your local authorised ABS Key Centre Here.
Laser Car Key Cutting – Key blank supplied by customer
Would you bring your own burger and bun into McDonalds and ask them to cook it for you? Many key cutters and locksmiths feel this way about people bringing their own key blanks to them.
There are many reasons that key cutters don't like to offer this service. But there are many that will. Its best to contact your local shop to ask them beforehand.
ABS Endurance Key Cutting Prices
The ABS endurance lock has emerged in the market in 2020. The Endurance lock has been made for a specific door and window company in the UK. These locks are British Standard, 3 star locks of the highest quality.
Your ABS Master Key Code is two letters followed by 7 numbers and then four more letters. The Key code begins with two Alpha Digits followed by seven numbers and a further four alpha digits* For example: MG2457877AFTA. On older models the code did not include the last two alpha digits.
Currently not many key cutters are offering this service. If you are lucky enough to find someone, you may need to present your security card for authorisation.
A Standard Yale Key Cutting