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We Are An Independent Website Set Up To Provide Transparency And Advice In The World Of Locksmith Prices, Shoe Repair Prices, Car Key Prices And Domestic Key Cutting Prices.  We Have Also Listed Some General Price Guides For Other Services  We Have Listed Only The Most Trusted Companies In the UK and Ireland, As Well As Providing Price Guides And Advice.

Locksmith Services & Prices

We look at, and compare locksmith prices throughout the UK
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Patio doors are, by definition, transitional components. They serve as both an entrance and an exit, as well as a glass barrier between two separate aspects of your home's design.
The mechanism of a garage door lock is to use a bolt to block the door track. There are a number of garage door locks available, some of which are attached from the inside and/or outside, and each of which serves a particular purpose depending on the type of garage door you want to secure. Repairing this is fortunately, quick and easy.
UPVC door handles can be installed on any form of uPVC door, including front and back doors, french doors, and even bi-fold doors, but they are checked to various security requirements, with some being more stable than others. Fitting this is quick and easy for a locksmith

Key Cutting Services & Prices

We look at domestic Key Cutting services and prices throughout the UK & Ireland
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There are different types of Henderson garage door keys and all of which can be easily cut by your most trusted key-cutter.
Yale superior and Yale platinum are Yale’s newer types of locks that come with corresponding keys and key cards.
This is an old type of security key that was made popular in the 90’s.

Shoe Repair Services & Prices

We list the main services your local Cobbler may offer, as well as prices guides and an Elite Shoe Repair Directory.
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A shoe shine is the method of cleaning shoes with a range of cleaning materials that are specifically made to clean shoes. If your shoes are losing its shine and new look, a professional shoe shine may make the world of a difference.
A footbed is a cushioned and contoured insole designed to provide orthopedic support. A full sole has a bottom that covers the entire sole of the foot.
Canvas sneakers with Velcro straps instead of laces are known as Velcro sneakers. Sneakers are a type of athletic running shoe with a soft upper and a rubber sole. They're meant to be worn when competing in sports, but they've become very popular as a casual shoe.

Auto Locksmith / Vehicle Key / Car Fob Prices

We list many of the popular Vehicle keys and advise what you can expect to pay. Auto Locksmith Services are also included.
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Replacing a key fob battery can be a bit tricky. It's best to use a local professional to ensure that the new battery is fitted correctly. Please note.  You will need to call into a local locksmith shop to get your car key battery changed.  It is unlikely that a mobile auto locksmith will offer this service.  If your remote key fob has stopped remotely opening the doors, it’s possible that the battery needs replacing. Also, if your car key only opens the doors intermittently, the battery cell may be getting running low. You should be aware that if the battery in your fob is dead, you should still be able to start the car. A dead battery in your lkey will result in the remote locking and unlocking functionality stopping. In some keyless cars, this may not be the case. A local specialist will be able to check the existing signal, change the battery and ensure it is sending a signal once the new battery is fitted.

General Price Guides

Price guides for miscellaneous services
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Metal straps from watches can easily be removed as the chain itself has been designed to allow resizing and readjusting.
Mineral glass is the most common type of glass used in watches. The manner by which this glass is produced helps make it more scratch-resistant compared to other types of watch glass.
For the past four decades, Miyota has been the trusted movement manufacturer for many different brands worldwide. The company has a factory in Japan where they produce high quality movements at high speed production rates.

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